Neck Pain Relief for Children

neck pain relief in children chiropractic

Chiropractic treatment may be useful for neck pain relief in children.

Seeing your child in pain is one of the most difficult things in the world but what are your options for neck pain relief in children? When neck pain, headaches, shoulder pain, and other health issues arise in kids it can be difficult to work out the cause, especially if a younger child is unable to really tell you where it hurts and what kind of pain they have. Often, the same treatments helpful for neck pain relief in adults are good for kids too but sometimes treatments differ so make sure you know what to do if your kid has neck pain. Read more

Klippel-Feil Syndrome – A Rare Cause of Neck Pain

klippel feil syndrome neck pain causes

Klippel-Feil syndrome is a congenital cervical spine condition that can cause neck pain.

A rare cause of neck pain, Klippel-Feil syndrome is a cervical spine condition usually present to some degree at birth and which results in the congenital fusion of two of the seven cervical vertebrae. Patients with Klipper-Feil syndrome may also have scoliosis, spina bifida, and other health issues seemingly unrelated to the spine itself, such as heart malformation. Neck surgery may be necessary for some patients with severe symptoms from Klipper-Feil syndrome whereas others may be able to manage neck pain and other symptoms of the condition using physical therapy and pain medications. Read more

Can a Herniated Disc in the Neck Cause Arm Pain?

Herniated Disc in the NeckIf you’ve developed a herniated disc in your neck, you may be experiencing pain, numbness, tingling, and muscle weakness in your arm. Now, you might expect that a herniated disc in your neck would cause neck pain. But, how can two seemingly unrelated areas of your body – the cervical spine (neck) and your arm – have a painful cause and effect relationship? To fully understand the relationship and discover how a cervical herniated disc can cause symptoms to arise in your arm, it’s helpful to briefly review the spinal anatomy.
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Hair Loss, Neck Pain, and the Connections.

Menopause and Thyroid-Related Hair-Loss

Many women (and often their hairdressers) notice changes in hair quality during menopause, with hair becoming dry and coarse, falling out more easily and not growing as fast. Thyroid problems due to hormonal disruption are common as the production of estrogen in the ovaries slows down in menopause, making the adrenal glands an important site for hormone production. As the adrenals are negatively affected by stress, caffeine, and alcohol, this makes homeostasis even more of a challenge than before. Stress also induces inflammation and some people compound the problem by resorting to smoking as a calming activity. Smoking, neck pain, hair loss, stress, and thyroid disease may all be bound up together in a complex dysfunctional state, meaning that a patient may need considerably more than just thyroid medication to resolve all their issues surrounding hair loss and neck pain. Read more

Can You Golf With a Bulging Disc in Your Neck?

Bulging disc in the neckA bulging disc in the neck is not necessarily symptomatic but neck pain and other symptoms can arise when a cervical nerve root becomes compressed by a bulging disc. Playing golf with a bulging disc in the neck may, therefore, become virtually impossible. Anyone who plays golf knows that success on the course depends on the ability to repeat a smooth, integrated swing. This requires coordinated body movement from head to toe, which is hard to maintain if a bulging disc is causing a pinched nerve in the neck or any other part of the spine.
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Tension Headaches and Neck Pain

tension headache and neck painTension headaches and neck pain are very common but many people, and their physicians, neglect to find out the underlying cause meaning that treatments for tension headaches and neck pain are either unsuccessful or never applied. The pain in a tension headache will usually commence at the back of the head and move forwards, engulfing the scalp, creating a sensation of tightness across the head, and maybe even extending into the neck and shoulders. Some tension headaches and neck pain are connected to Read more

Does Chiropractic Care Increase Stroke Risk?

neck pain chiropractor stroke exorcist headspin

Is your head spinning with thoughts about chiropractic adjustment, arterial dissection, and stroke?

Some people are terrified of getting chiropractic adjustments for neck pain as they have heard horror stories about arteries being dissected or torn and how chiropractic techniques can cause strokes. Is there any merit to these claims or are they simply urban myths? The complicated studies carried out into the association between chiropractic and stroke make it difficult to assess your level of risk and in some cases it seems that the dissection could be the cause of neck pain that prompts that visit to the chiro in the first place. Read more

Is a Bone Spur in the Neck Always Painful?

Bone SpurThe name itself – bone spur – sounds like it would be a sharp, jutting protrusion that is sure to cause pain. On the contrary, though, bone spurs, also called osteophytes, are actually not very “spur like.” They tend to be smooth growths of bone attached to other bones, and usually occur at jointed areas that sustain a lot of rubbing and grinding. A common place for them to develop is on the sides and tops of toes when high heels are frequently worn, called “pump bumps.” The bones of the spine can also develop bone spurs, but since these are not visible like bone spurs on the toes, people generally don’t know they have spinal osteophytes unless the bony growths produce symptoms.
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What Causes Degenerative Disc Disease in the Neck?

Degenerative Disc Disease in the NeckIf you have degenerative disc disease in your neck (or the cervical region of the spine), you should know that the condition is a fairly common cause of neck pain. It is characterized by the dehydration and weakening of your intervertebral discs over time and the normal wear and tear process. Although many individuals aren’t aware of it, most people in their 50s and 60s will have some evidence of disc degeneration, but this does not mean they will be diagnosed with degenerative disc disease. The condition also can affect patients in their 20s and 30s if other factors lead to the early deterioration of the discs.

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Spondylolisthesis in the Neck and Cervical Nerve Compression

Spondylolisthesis in the NeckSpondylolisthesis in the neck, or displacement of the cervical vertebrae, is usually a result of traumatic injury or the gradual development of small fractures within the vertebrae. Vertebral slippage is much more common in the lumbar (lower back) region of the spine than in the cervical (neck) region. However, fractures to a small bony segment (known as the pars interarticularis) adjacent to vertebral joints can cause one cervical vertebra to slip out of place on top of another. This can produce symptoms that include neck stiffness, focal pain, radiating pain, tingling, numbness, and muscle weakness in the upper body. Read more