Spiritual Approaches to Neck Pain Relief

prayer and neck pain spiritualityChronic neck pain may drive you to blaspheme on occasion but can prayer and other spiritual approaches actually help relieve chronic pain? Some pain management specialists who embrace an integrative approach do connect spirituality and faith with positive outcomes for pain relief, but how does it work in practice? Read more

Understanding Your Fibromyalgia Pain – Why Opioids Often Do Not Work

fibromyalgia neck pain vta brain pain differences

The brain's VTA may play a role in fibromyalgia pain.

Many people with neck pain from fibromyalgia find that opioids are not particularly effective at managing their pain. New research published in the journal Arthritis & Rheumatism suggests that this may be because brain signals differentiating pleasure and pain are confused in those with the syndrome. What does this mean for treatment of fibromyalgia? Are opioids ever a good idea for those with this type of pain? Read more

5 Quick Fixes for Neck Pain (to let you get back to enjoying Christmas!)

neck pain at christmas quick fixesChristmas is no time for neck pain. There are presents to wrap and unwrap, trees to trim, parties to go to, not to mention food to make and enjoy.

While there’s no good time to suffer with neck pain, we all know that a sudden twinge in the neck at Christmas can make that long to-do list look even less feasible. Luckily, most neck pain responds well to a few simple solutions, so try out these five quick fixes for neck pain and get back to enjoying the festivities! Read more

Peppermint Oil for Tension Headaches and Neck Pain

peppermint oil for neck pain and headachesGerman researchers it seems are way ahead when it comes to investigating natural remedies for neck pain and tension headaches. Articles published in 1994 and 1996 note the benefits of using peppermint oil for tension headache relief over conventional treatments such as acetaminophen. So how does peppermint oil help with pain relief and will it also work for your neck pain? Read more

Neck Surgery for a Degenerative Spine Condition – What You Can Do To Avoid It

Neck surgeryNeck surgery can be performed to treat debilitating pain caused by degeneration in the cervical area of the spine, but this option is recommended only for a minority of patients and, even then, often just as a last resort. Some causes of neck pain, such as normal wear and tear and the inevitable aging process, are simply unavoidable. Nevertheless, there are many things you can do to minimize your risk of developing the types of neck and back conditions that often stem from years of poor posture or body mechanics. In addition, if you are already experiencing neck pain due to an injury, strain, degenerative disc disease, or other known cause, there are a variety of conservative treatment options available that may alleviate your symptoms and delay or eliminate your need for neck surgery. Read more

Slipped Disc Symptoms – How To Cope

Slipped DiscA slipped disc, also commonly referred to as a herniated disc, can result from injury, improper lifting, or age-related wear and tear. As you grow older, the shock-absorbing discs located in between the individual vertebrae of your spine gradually lose their youthful elasticity and water content, which makes them more susceptible to tearing and rupture. A torn disc is colloquially known as a “slipped” disc, although while discs can become misshapen, they do not technically slip out of place.

While often painful, a slipped disc can also sometimes manifest without any symptoms at all. In any case, if you do experience back pain, neck pain, or weakness, numbness, or tingling in your back, arm, or leg, you could have an injured disc and you should see your physician right away to obtain a proper diagnosis. Oftentimes, when begun early, conservative treatment for a slipped disc is very successful in helping patients to cope with this sometimes debilitating condition and get on with their lives. Read more

The 5 Step Approach to Dealing with Chronic Neck Pain

chronic neck pain managementChronic neck pain can severely reduce quality of life but many patients are only being given palliative treatments, enduring failed surgical interventions, or muddling through with alternative pain therapies of which they’re unsure.

In a forum at PAINWeek 2013, Dr. Ted Jones of the Behavioral Medicine Institute, Knoxville, Tennessee, noted a 5-step strategy for coping with chronic pain that can help patients improve their quality of life by empowering them to change their perceptions of pain. The 5 steps are: Read more

Relieving Neck Pain, Arthritis, and Spinal Degeneration

inflammation arthritis neck pain Ankylosing-SpondylitisNeck pain can be a result of arthritis and spinal degeneration so what can you do to ward off the effects of wear and tear on the spine? Or, if you have already accumulated that wear and tear, how can you give your body the best shot at repairing the damage and possibly even reversing spinal arthritis to relieve neck pain? Read more

Ditch the Dangerous NSAIDs – How These Three Natural Products Might Be Better for Chronic Neck Pain

glucosamine chondroitin osteoarthritis neck pain What if there were a way for those suffering with neck pain from arthritis to ditch the dangerous NSAIDs and opiates and help relieve pain naturally, whilst improving long-term health? No epidural steroid injections, no surgery, no elaborate physical therapy requirements but you still get pain relief within a week or so and the added benefit of knowing that chronic degenerative processes are being fought against to help improve and maintain your mobility and flexibility. Sounds too good to be true? It might be very real and it might be sitting on the shelf at your local natural products store: MSM, glucosamine and chondroitin, a powerful combination for neck pain relief that is backed by rigorous research. Read more

Is Your Pillow Causing Your Neck Pain?

waking up with neck pain pillows for reliefMany people suffer from neck pain on a daily basis, often waking up with pain that then throws off the whole day. Simultaneous neck and shoulder pain can make it difficult to engage in normal everyday activities, including self-care, childcare, and work. Instead of throwing money at drugs that mask the pain, there may be a simple solution to neck pain, you just have to sleep on it. Yes, neck pain relief could be as simple as getting a better pillow. Read more