
Dehydration and Neck Pain

dehydration and neck painAs neck pain remedies go, few are simpler than a glass of water. This is, however, a surefire way for many people to tackle both acute and chronic neck pain. Dehydration can affect the muscles, nerves, joints and spinal discs and yet is frequently overlooked as a potential cause of sudden neck pain and ongoing neck pain so how can you tell if you’re dehydrated and what should you do about it? Read more

Natural Neck Pain Relief Within 30 Minutes – How Effective is Celadrin Cream for Arthritis and Myofascial Neck Pain Syndrome?

celadrin for neck pain relief naturalThere are few natural remedies for neck pain that are backed by a good amount of quality clinical trial data but Celadrin is one such product. This cetylated fatty acid supplement can be taken in capsule form or used topically and results from human studies suggest that it can start relieving pain within just 30 minutes of application, so what is Celadrin and how could it help your neck pain? Read more

Trouble Sleeping with Neck Pain? Try These Five Foods That Can Help You Sleep

sleeping with chronic neck pain foods to help you sleepChronic neck pain can leave you sleep deprived as you toss and turn all night trying to find a comfortable sleeping position. For some, this nightly battle with sleep can lead to some serious anxiety about going to bed at all, so if you’ve got secondary insomnia due to chronic neck pain maybe it’s time for a little natural help with drifting off. Read more

Neck Pain and Xanax Withdrawal

xanax withdrawal and neck painThere are numerous causes of neck pain but many people don’t realise that withdrawal from medications can be one such trigger. This is particularly true of medications taken to help with anxiety and depression, which can also have the effect of relaxing muscles and desensitising users to pain. Neck pain during Xanax withdrawal is, therefore, a common concern that may be easily overlooked considering the other issues faced by those quitting benzodiazepines. Read more

Chilli Pepper for Neck Pain – Does it work?

chili pain relief neckWe all know that you can get quite the endorphin rush from eating hot chili peppers but is it true that capsaicinoids, the spicy compounds in chilis, can help relieve pain? Should you throw out those NSAIDs and start using chilis as band aids for neck pain? Read more

Ditch the Dangerous NSAIDs – How These Three Natural Products Might Be Better for Chronic Neck Pain

glucosamine chondroitin osteoarthritis neck pain What if there were a way for those suffering with neck pain from arthritis to ditch the dangerous NSAIDs and opiates and help relieve pain naturally, whilst improving long-term health? No epidural steroid injections, no surgery, no elaborate physical therapy requirements but you still get pain relief within a week or so and the added benefit of knowing that chronic degenerative processes are being fought against to help improve and maintain your mobility and flexibility. Sounds too good to be true? It might be very real and it might be sitting on the shelf at your local natural products store: MSM, glucosamine and chondroitin, a powerful combination for neck pain relief that is backed by rigorous research. Read more