
Obesity Raises Risk of Persistent Neck Pain from Whiplash

whiplash neck pain obesityIf you’re involved in a car crash and are overweight or obese then your risk of persistent neck pain is higher than for someone who is not overweight, according to a new study presented at the 63rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Pain Society (APS).

The results of this study showed that the risk of neck pain lasting at least six months after an accident almost doubles if the person is morbidly obese, so what is it that makes those who are overweight more vulnerable to chronic pain? Read more

NSAIDs – The True Cause of Headaches and Neck Pain?

headaches and neck pain MOHWhen headaches and neck pain occur together there can be a variety of explanations ranging from concussion after a serious fall, head and neck tumours causing obstructed circulation or nerve activity, stress and muscle tension and even, it seems, overuse of NSAIDs for neck pain leading to medication-related headaches.

Around 1% of the US population is thought to experience medication overuse headaches and while these are more common in those with primary headaches it may be that neck pain is also a trigger. Read more

Neck Pain and Xanax Withdrawal

xanax withdrawal and neck painThere are numerous causes of neck pain but many people don’t realise that withdrawal from medications can be one such trigger. This is particularly true of medications taken to help with anxiety and depression, which can also have the effect of relaxing muscles and desensitising users to pain. Neck pain during Xanax withdrawal is, therefore, a common concern that may be easily overlooked considering the other issues faced by those quitting benzodiazepines. Read more

How to Avoid Age-Related Neck Pain

neck pain age related postureNeck pain is a common problem for older adults but some simple postural tips could help lower your risk of pain and disability and maintain a high quality of life, whatever your age. By keeping the spine nicely aligned you can reduce wear and tear and keep your back and neck strong and supple so as to lower your susceptibility to injury. So, without further ado.. Read more

Common Causes of Neck Pain in the Elderly

seniors neck pain causesOlder adults frequently experience neck pain and back pain, with a variety of anatomical, pathological, and physiological factors involved in the development of symptoms. Arthritis is a common cause of neck pain in seniors attributed to the spine itself, as are discogenic disorders, trauma, tumours, and infection. Other issues involve the muscles in the neck, or nervous system function. Below, we outline some key causes of neck pain, because knowing its origins is essential to getting appropriate treatments and, where possible, for preventing pain recurring. Read more

Neck Pain – Is it Your Purse's Fault?

neck pain woman's purse chihuahaImagine tucking a small chihuahua under your arm and heading out for drinks, making sure not to drop that pooch as you navigate the subway, sidewalks, and a crowded bar. Imagine doing this every day for the rest of your life and then consider how that might contribute to the development of chronic neck pain. Read more

What is Osteoarthritis and How Can You Reduce Spine Degeneration from this Common Cause of Neck Pain?

osteoarthritis neck pain causesAs one of the most prevalent chronic musculoskeletal diseases in the world, osteoarthritis is a common cause of chronic neck pain. This condition usually affects the joints in the hands, knees, hips, and spine, leading to deformity, swelling, and impaired mobility and function, in addition to causing pain. Read more

How the Spine Narrows Naturally with Age

cervical spinal stenosis ageSome degree of spinal stenosis (narrowing) occurs with age, with all of the structures of the spine changing over time. Whether or not these changes will result in symptoms from pinched nerves, spinal cord compression, or blood vessel occlusion or damage depends on the anatomy of each individual. Read more

The Difference Between Neuropathy and Nociceptive Pain (and why it matters)

neuropathic vs nociceptive pain neckNeck pain can have a variety of causes, some more serious than others, and the way that we describe that pain is important for understanding its likely progression and appropriateness of treatments.

We all recognize that the body is a complicated system where the mind can affect pain perception and pain perception can affect the mind. In some cases mind-over-matter really is key to resolving neck pain as both internal mental factors and external environmental factors within our control can have a significant effect on how pain is felt, if at all. Read more

Inflammation and its Role in Disc Degeneration and Neck Pain

Inflammation and its Role in Disc Degeneration and neck pain

Many of the same inflammatory processes involved in Alzheimer's Disease and Diabetes are also involved in disc degeneration.

How does inflammation contribute to the degeneration of spinal discs and the onset of chronic neck pain? By understanding the role that inflammatory processes play in the rupture, collapse, and herniation of discs in the cervical spine we may be better placed to relieve symptoms, slow down degenerative processes and perhaps even help reverse existing damage. Read more