
Swollen Lymph Nodes in the Neck

Swollen lymph nodes in the neck are a common source of neck pain. Most often they are a sign of infection and, once treated or resolved, the lymph nodes will return to normal and the neck pain symptoms will also disappear. Usually, it is difficult to feel the lymph nodes in the neck unless they are enlarged (more than a centimeter across or so) but careful exploration with the fingers can locate the chain of lymph nodes down each side of the back of the neck, on either side of the anterior neck, and on both sides of the neck. Read more

Can Statins Cause Neck Pain?

statins and neck pain coq10 myopathyMillions of people worldwide take statins in an attempt to lower their cholesterol levels and reduce their risk of heart attack. The sad irony is that by blocking endogenous cholesterol production, which is how statin drugs work, these medications also block production of coenzyme Q10, a nutrient needed for the production of energy, especially in muscles and particularly in the heart. As such, statin drugs may cause side effects including fatigue, muscle weakness, and neck pain which clinicians refer to as statin-induced myopathy. Read more

Unique Brain Activity in Fibromyalgia – A Cause of Neck Pain

fibromyalgia brain activity pain neck

Fibromyalgia - all in your head? Perhaps, but it isn't imaginary.

Fibromyalgia patients may be used to having people tell them that their condition is all in their head, but new research offers more weight to the theory that people with this condition have a unique response to pain due to altered brain function.

The research, published in the journal Arthritis & Rheumatology, involved 35 patients with fibromyalgia, a condition that frequently involves symptoms such as neck pain, back pain, fatigue, muscle tenderness, sleep disturbance, altered mood and cognitive dysfunction. Read more

Occipital Neuralgia – What is it?

occipital-neuralgia head and neck pain nerve blockHead and neck pain could be caused by occipital neuralgia, a non-fatal condition that involves nerve irritation or injury from a variety of causes. The prefix ‘neuro’ means nerve and ‘algia’ means pain, while ‘occipital’ describes a region of the head running from the spinal column in the neck up to the scalp at the back of the head.

There are numerous possible causes of this kind of spreading neck pain and headache resulting from injury or compression of the greater and lesser occipital nerves. Read more

TMJ, Ear and Neck Pain

jaw, ear and neck painNeck pain may occur in isolation, but often neck pain, ear pain and jaw pain co-exist, leading to pain when eating, speaking, moving the head, and even when lying down to sleep. Sometimes, this triad is a result of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), where the jaw joint and related bones, ligaments, and cartilage are typically swollen and painful, making it hard to open the jaw. Read more

Parkinson's Drug Could Help Relieve Neck Pain from Fibromyalgia

memantine for fibromyalgiaMemantine is a drug typically used to treat people with Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease, but a new study has found it can also help with pain relief in fibromyalgia, a condition that can be a cause of neck pain. Fibromyalgia is characterised by an increased sensitivity to pain, with specific tender points, in addition to fatigue and cognitive symptoms. Read more

Pain in the Front of the Neck – Causes and When to Call for Help

Pain in the Front of the Neck phone when to call for helpThe majority of neck pain is caused by muscle strain and is typically resolved without medical intervention within a few days. However, pain in the front of the neck that persists, or which is severe and acute, can be a sign of a serious health issue that warrants medical attention. Read more

Moxibustion Acupuncture for Chronic Neck Pain

moxibustion acupuncture for chronic neck painAcupuncture has long been a popular alternative therapy for neck pain relief but moxibustion acupuncture may be novel, and a tad scary, for even aficionados of acupuncture. The idea of setting fire to a substance (moxa) at the end of an acupuncture needle may strike some as a step too far, so why is this centuries’ old practice continued, and could moxibustion acupuncture help your neck pain? Read more

NSAIDs Double the Risk of Dangerous Blood Clots

nsaids mechanism neck pain relief side effects blood clotsUsing NSAIDs to manage chronic neck pain could almost double your risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE), including deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism, according to new research published in the journal Rheumatology. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are a popular prescription and over-the-counter remedy for relief of inflammation and pain but these drugs are far from safe, especially when used for chronic conditions. Read more

Smoking is Terrible for Neck Pain – Here are 5 Top Tips to Help Yourself Quit

quitting smoking for neck painSmoking not only leads to wrinkles it also makes you much more likely to suffer from neck pain. This is because smoking impairs blood circulation, tissue oxygenation and nourishment, causes dehydration, depletes vitamin C and other antioxidant nutrients, increases the risk of cancerous growths in the neck, and even adversely affects bone metabolism. Read more