
Pain in the Front of the Neck – Causes and When to Call for Help

Pain in the Front of the Neck phone when to call for helpThe majority of neck pain is caused by muscle strain and is typically resolved without medical intervention within a few days. However, pain in the front of the neck that persists, or which is severe and acute, can be a sign of a serious health issue that warrants medical attention. Read more

Natural Neck Pain Relief Within 30 Minutes – How Effective is Celadrin Cream for Arthritis and Myofascial Neck Pain Syndrome?

celadrin for neck pain relief naturalThere are few natural remedies for neck pain that are backed by a good amount of quality clinical trial data but Celadrin is one such product. This cetylated fatty acid supplement can be taken in capsule form or used topically and results from human studies suggest that it can start relieving pain within just 30 minutes of application, so what is Celadrin and how could it help your neck pain? Read more

Testing for Severe Osteoarthritis… Before it Develops?

neck pain osteoarthritisNew research suggests that testing for three specific biomarkers in the blood could predict who will go on to develop severe osteoarthritis, a potential cause of neck pain. Osteoarthritis is a condition that tends to arise later in life after wear and tear on the joints but up until now there was no blood test to let patients know their possible risk of the disease, making preventative efforts hard to promote. Read more

What is Osteoarthritis and How Can You Reduce Spine Degeneration from this Common Cause of Neck Pain?

osteoarthritis neck pain causesAs one of the most prevalent chronic musculoskeletal diseases in the world, osteoarthritis is a common cause of chronic neck pain. This condition usually affects the joints in the hands, knees, hips, and spine, leading to deformity, swelling, and impaired mobility and function, in addition to causing pain. Read more