
Tension Neck Syndrome – Solutions for Construction Workers

tension neck syndrome trapezius muscle anatomyTension neck syndrome is a pretty common condition that is caused by muscle strain in the upper back. The nature of repetitive work in cramped and uncomfortable postures common to the construction industry mean that tension neck syndrome is particularly prevalent amongst those doing manual labour.

The condition can result in neck stiffness, muscle spasms, and neck pain and/or pain radiating from the cervical spine to the shoulders, head, and even into the arms and chest. This condition is particularly common in those working in the construction industry, but there are ways to reduce the risk of tension neck syndrome in such jobs, with many of these solutions also applying in other areas of life. Read more

Can a Herniated Disc Cause Headaches?

Herniated discWhile most people wouldn’t automatically think that a herniated disc in the spine could cause headaches, it is important to remember that the spine and the brain comprise the body’s central nervous system (CNS), which regulates sensory and pain signals throughout the body.

Any type of anatomical abnormality in the spine has the potential to affect any of the 31 pairs of nerve roots that branch off the spinal cord. If this occurs, pain signals can be sent along the entire path of the affected nerve, including the nerve branches that extend from that nerve root to wherever it leads in the body. Pain that is felt in the extremities due to a damaged or compressed nerve root in the spine is called referred pain.
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Early Treatment for a Pinched Nerve in the Neck

Treating a Pinched Nerve in the NeckSometimes a pinched nerve in the neck can arise when an anatomical abnormality in the upper, or cervical, spine – such as a bulging disc, herniated disc, calcified ligament, or bone spur – places pressure on the spinal cord or a nerve root. Nerve compression can cause symptoms of localized pain, radiating pain, numbness, tingling, and muscle weakness. The severity and frequency of your symptoms will vary from those of other patients, but it doesn’t mean that living with those symptoms will be any less difficult. There are some initial steps you can take to help relieve your symptoms and make getting through each day a little easier. Read more

Stretching and Exercise as Cervical Bone Spur Treatment

Bone spur treatmentCervical bone spur treatment is a means to alleviate or manage symptoms associated with the growth of excess bone along the sides or edges of the vertebrae located within the neck region of the spine. Far more often than not, someone with bone spurs (osteophytes) within the spine never even realizes they are there. That’s because most bone spurs cause nothing more serious than a popping or cracking noise called crepitus, which can be heard occasionally when the head is turned.

Debilitating, chronic symptoms associated with spinal bone spurs can include pain, tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness in the upper extremities. These symptoms are caused by spinal nerve compression.
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Nonsurgical Treatment Options for a Pinched Nerve in Your Neck

Pinched nerve in the neckWhile a pinched nerve in your neck can be a painful and frustrating condition, it is also a fairly common condition that can easily develop due to injuries or degenerative changes in the cervical spine. Anything from an inflamed ligament to a herniated disc to bone spurs can compress a cervical nerve root and give rise to symptoms of pain, tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness in the neck and upper extremities.

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Tension Headaches and Neck Pain

tension headache and neck painTension headaches and neck pain are very common but many people, and their physicians, neglect to find out the underlying cause meaning that treatments for tension headaches and neck pain are either unsuccessful or never applied. The pain in a tension headache will usually commence at the back of the head and move forwards, engulfing the scalp, creating a sensation of tightness across the head, and maybe even extending into the neck and shoulders. Some tension headaches and neck pain are connected to Read more

Pinched Nerve in Shoulder

Pinched Nerve Shoulder

Pinched Nerve Shoulder Pain

The neck is a complex place when it comes to nerves, and neck pain can stem from all manner of things, including a pinched nerve in the shoulder. Nerves can become trapped in the shoulder itself, due to the cramped conditions in an area called the brachial plexus. Read more

Exercises for bulging disc in neck

Warm up before beginning

A common cause of neck pain is the presence of a bulging intervertebral disc in the cervical spine. These discs are made up of a tough, fibrous, outer shell containing a gel-like substance inside that acts to absorb the shocks to the spine that occur on a daily basis. If the discs become damaged and weaken then the shell may not be able to contain the inner material as well as before, causing a bulge which may then lead to a herniation or rupture of the disc and the leaking of the gel from the disc into the surrounding area. Read more

Pinched Nerve in Neck Exercises

Pinched Nerve Neck Exercises

Pinched Nerve Neck Exercises

Stretching can alleviate Neck Pain

Neck stretching and strengthening exercises can be very effective at reducing neck pain and discomfort both in acute and chronic conditions. However, a pinched nerve in the neck may mean that some exercises are inadvisable as they have the potential to actually exacerbate your condition and worsen your neck pain. Read more