Fibromyalgia and Neck Pain

Neck pain is a common symptom of fibromyalgia, with trigger points clustered around the base of the neck and in the shoulders.  Those suffering from fibromyalgia and neck pain may then assume that any neck pain is simply part of their overall condition when, in fact, it can be due to myriad problems including cervical […]

Facet Disease in the Neck

What is Facet Disease in the Neck? The cervical facet joints are synovial joints in the back of the spine that are contained within a fibrous capsule.  Superior and inferior facet joints interact in order to allow the flexibility of the spine and are, therefore, subject to considerable wear and tear over the years through […]

Pinched Nerve in Neck with Headache

When dealing with a pinched nerve in the neck, recover without any invasive treatment is possible, but for some the pain from a pinched nerve in the neck and headache can persist for months or even years. Those who suffer from chronic headaches often do not connect their symptoms to a pinched nerve in the […]

Pinched Nerve in Shoulder

The neck is a complex place when it comes to nerves, and neck pain can stem from all manner of things, including a pinched nerve in the shoulder. Nerves can become trapped in the shoulder itself, due to the cramped conditions in an area called the brachial plexus.

Herniated Disc in Neck Exercises

Specific neck exercises can be very helpful in aiding recovery from a herniated disc in neck. A bulging disc in the neck can herniate through acute stress, such as when sneezing or with whiplash, and through chronic wear and tear resulting in a sudden rupture of the annulus (outer protective fibers of the disc). Calcification […]