When to See a Chiropractor

Chiropractors see patients for a variety of reasons including neck pain, back pain, headaches, and even carpal tunnel syndrome, but knowing when to see a chiropractor for neck pain and when diagnosis and treatment from a qualified MD is needed can prove difficult for many. In some cases, the hands-on manipulation carried out during chiropractic […]

Neck Arthritis Exercises

Patients with chronic neck pain might be wondering about the safety of exercise for arthritis in the neck and rightly so. Prior to commencing any new stretching or strengthening exercises for neck pain patients are advised to check with their physician or physical therapist to avoid exacerbating neck arthritis problems. Those with rheumatoid arthritis, for […]

Neck Pain and Children

Every parent is reminded to be mindful about meningitis but there are other causes of neck pain in children that are often overlooked.  Where a child has difficulty moving their chin towards their chest or refuses to look down because of their neck pain this warrants immediate medical attention.  The presence of a rash, fever, […]

Herniated Disk in the Neck Conservative Treatment

In cases of a herniated disc in the neck, conservative treatments are usually the first course of action and are commonly used for at least six months prior to more invasive surgical therapy being suggested.  Disc herniation can cause direct spinal nerve compression and irritation to the nerves by exposure to the pro-inflammatory nucleus pulposus […]

Bone Spurs in the Neck

Bone spurs in the neck (osteophytes) are bony growths that can be responsible for neck pain and back pain.  These bone spurs may occur following a fracture of the vertebrae, due to rheumatoid arthritis, ligament degeneration, whiplash, or through general wear and tear resulting in spondylitis.