Entries by LSI

Slipped Disc Symptoms – How To Cope

A slipped disc, also commonly referred to as a herniated disc, can result from injury, improper lifting, or age-related wear and tear. As you grow older, the shock-absorbing discs located in between the individual vertebrae of your spine gradually lose their youthful elasticity and water content, which makes them more susceptible to tearing and rupture. […]

Herniated Disc Causes – What You Can Do To Avoid Disc Damage

Oftentimes, a herniated disc causes discomfort that stems from damage to the outer shell of one of the flexible cushions that separate the stacked vertebrae of the spine. Each intervertebral disc has a tough outer covering called an annulus fibrosus, and this outer layer surrounds a soft inner core. The top one-third of the annulus […]

Tips for Sleeping after Neck Surgery for a Degenerative Spine Condition

One of the most difficult aspects of the recovery period after neck surgery is sleeping. Depending on what type of procedure you underwent for your degenerative spine condition and how invasive the procedure was, you can anticipate at least a few uncomfortable nights in the immediate aftermath of a cervical operation. Fortunately, with each passing […]

Recovering from Cervical Spinal Fusion – Ways to Make Your Rehabilitation Less Arduous

Cervical spinal fusion is a surgery that involves removal of a bulging or herniated disc in the neck (cervical spine), placement of a supportive cage/implant and bone graft material to replace the disc, and the fusing of adjacent vertebrae with plates, rods, and screws. To ensure success of this surgery, the recovery process can be […]