
Exercises for bulging disc in neck

Warm up before beginning

A common cause of neck pain is the presence of a bulging intervertebral disc in the cervical spine. These discs are made up of a tough, fibrous, outer shell containing a gel-like substance inside that acts to absorb the shocks to the spine that occur on a daily basis. If the discs become damaged and weaken then the shell may not be able to contain the inner material as well as before, causing a bulge which may then lead to a herniation or rupture of the disc and the leaking of the gel from the disc into the surrounding area. Read more

Sports Neck Injuries – Football Neck Injury

Neck Injury from Sports

Neck Injuries & Sports

Anyone can suffer an injury to their neck or back, but those engaging in physical activity, particular contact sports, are at a higher risk than most. Whilst athletes and sports-people are likely to be healthier and stronger than the general populace, the extra strain that repetitive motion and high impact activities can have on their systems makes wear and tear, as well as acute neck injury and neck pain, more likely.

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