Fibromyalgia and Neck Pain


What is Fibromyalgia?

Neck pain is a common symptom of fibromyalgia, with trigger points clustered around the base of the neck and in the shoulders.  Those suffering from fibromyalgia and neck pain may then assume that any neck pain is simply part of their overall condition when, in fact, it can be due to myriad problems including cervical spinal stenosis, temporomandibular joint syndrome, Read more

Facet Disease in the Neck

Facet Disease in the Neck

Facet joints are located at the back of the spine

What is Facet Disease in the Neck?

The cervical facet joints are synovial joints in the back of the spine that are contained within a fibrous capsule.  Superior and inferior facet joints interact in order to allow the flexibility of the spine and are, therefore, subject to considerable wear and tear over the years through everyday movement, increasing the likelihood of facet disease in the neck.  Although the facet joints themselves do not contain free nerve endings, they are innervated by mechanoreceptors, of which there are more in the cervical spine compared to the lumbar spine.  Read more

Pinched Nerve in Neck with Headache

When dealing with a pinched nerve in the neck, recover without any invasive treatment is possible, but for some the pain from a pinched nerve in the neck and headache can persist for months or even years. Those who suffer from chronic headaches often do not connect their symptoms to a pinched nerve in the neck and continue to treat the headaches in isolation. Read more

Pinched Nerve in Shoulder

Pinched Nerve Shoulder

Pinched Nerve Shoulder Pain

The neck is a complex place when it comes to nerves, and neck pain can stem from all manner of things, including a pinched nerve in the shoulder. Nerves can become trapped in the shoulder itself, due to the cramped conditions in an area called the brachial plexus. Read more

Stiff Neck from the Flu

Stiff Neck Flu

Fever, neck pain and stiffness can be signs of meningitis - or the flu.

When you have a cold or the flu you’ll often find that your whole body aches, sometimes it’s even the first symptom,
before the congestion, cough, or nausea begin. Why does this happen? Why does your neck become stiff and swollen and why does it hurt?

There are a number of reasons why you may end up with a stiff neck that ache during a cold or flu infection. Firstly, your lymph nodes, an important part of your immune system, are likely to become enlarged and your neck is one of the places in the body where there is an abundance of lymph tissue. This swelling can often be felt under your jaw-line and cause both jaw pain itself as well as more widespread neck pain. Read more

How Stress Causes Neck Pain

Stress Neck Pain

Stress Causing Neck Pain

How Stress Causes Neck Pain

If you suffer from chronic neck pain, particularly alongside headaches, and with no apparent physical cause it may be that your stress level is to blame. Stress in daily life, from pressure at work, school, or home, can cause tension in the neck muscles, which leads to fatigue, cramping, stiffness in the neck, and neck pain. Read more

Treating Whiplash with Botox

Botox for Neck Pain from Whiplash

Botox for Neck Pain

Botox for Neck Pain

Whilst botox will, for most people, conjure up an image of a celebrity failing to age gracefully, this concentrated toxin has another use. Botox injections for whiplash and neck pain are becoming increasingly popular as Read more

Neck Pain From Jogging

Jogging: Good or Bad for Neck Pain?

jogging posture

Practice good posture when jogging

Most people will realize that starting on a high-impact jogging regime without proper warm-up, correct shoes, some level of fitness, and even a good sports bra for some, will lead to aches and pains, including pain in the neck. Clearly, this is not the best way to motivate yourself to continue to exercise. But does jogging itself cause neck pain, or can it actually help relieve it? Make sure you know when not to jog with neck pain and when it’s time to see your physician.

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Neck Pain From Texting

Texting and Neck Pain

Texting and Neck Pain

Texting Causes Neck Pain

Everyone has probably heard at some time or other that texting is increasingly the cause of neck pain. One chiropractor, Dr. Fishman, has coined the term ‘text neck’ to describe the phenomenon he claims is on the rise. Is it true though, and what can we do about it if it is? With millions of texts sent every day, and every new generation arguably more reliant on their gadgets and gizmos than the next, texting could be a looming public health crisis. Or is it all just hype?

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How the Weather Affects Joint and Neck Pain

The Effect of Weather on Joints

The weather may be making your neck pain worse - but what can you do?

Does the weather make a difference to your neck pain? With cooler weather setting in as we near Halloween, this week’s blog takes a look at the strange science of the human barometer and why winter is a time of discontent for many of those with spondylitis, along with other neck pain sufferers.

One popular weather website actually includes an ‘aches and pains’ prediction in its forecast, although how accurate any of its ‘future trends’ are is up for debate. Can one’s joints really predict the weather? Does that winter chill really ‘get into the bones’? Can the weather make neck pain worse?

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